Warning video may be N.S.F.W. and does contains profanity, but for a just cause.
Samuel L. Jackson recently released a new pro-Obam video that bashes Romney. The video was done with PAC (Jewish Council for Research and Education), which is funded by George Soros' son Alexander. Many famous actors support Obama and the Democratic party, but he is one of the more famous ones. It is now going viral, and being played all over, spreading the message of Romney's evils and hopefully gaining more support for Obama.
I honestly am a Samuel L. Jackson fanboy, and love most of the films he has been in. When I saw an article that promised me a wake-up call for Obama by Samuel L. Jackson I knew I just had to read it. The fact that he made such a witty, storybook, video that actually targets the lazy Americans that won't even vote for the betterment of our future is really funny. He just states "Wake the f**k up" and people listen.
As a consumer, I can see a trend in these videos of celebrities supporting candidates. First it's that crazy Republican Clint Eastwood and now it's Samuel L. Jackson. What's up with all the celebrities?
I really don't want this to be a big thing in the industry. It may be a good thing for the candidates, but look at what could happen. We don't want the less desirable celebrities such as let's just throw some names out here, Paris Hilton and Hulk Hogan, representing a political party. That would just be a shame.
I really want to know what will happen with these celebrity promotional videos. Will there be more? Maybe could it even become a big thing in the near future? We may not know, but let's hope that it doesn't turn out that way.