Thursday, October 4, 2012

Mitt Romney Hates Children

Big Bird's fans tweet after he's targeted in presidential debate

     During the Presidential debate last night, Romney had some very disturbing news to tell America. He stated, “I’m going to stop the subsidy to PBS. I’m going to stop other things. I love Big Bird... but I’m going to stop borrowing money from China to pay for things we don’t need.” Romney wants to get rid of PBS and all of the amazing shows on these stations. Although PBS being cancelled is a serious concept, there was much more hype about how Romney hated Big Bird and all of Sesame Street.
      This is very important to the American public. Romney and his Republican buddies have been trying to get rid of  PBS for years. They think that it is drastically affecting America's debt is greatly effected by the small amount of about $444 million a year. The truth is, out of our $16 trillion of debt this small $444 million is but a mere speck. It literally changes almost nothing. 
      The fact that Romney says, "I love Big Bird" sends a bolt of hatred through my very being. PBS was my childhood, and I still watch other PBS programs to this day. As a consumer I particularly love to watch Nature, Nova, and American Experience.  Many people around the country love PBS and he just wants to take it away. Not only will almost every child in America hate you because of this, but many adults will too.Seriously, what the hell Romney? 
      What i really want to know is how can you say you love Big Bird if you essentially want to kill him and tear down his home along with it? Do you really not care about the American people enough to let them keep a station that makes them happy?

1 comment:

  1. We did write on the same subject! hahaha politics and the entertainment industry are more closely related than people give it credit for...I wonder if this is good or bad?
